Digital advertising is taking over traditional media marketing – “64% of people say they’ve been influenced to buy something by watching a video online. 52% of buying decisions can be traced back to Facebook. People spend enough time online, it could be considered their second job.”
The online platform has catered for a vast marketing population, offering SEO, Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, Web design, link building – the digital world is endless and unstoppable. To reach any small business, you need to generate brand awareness, increasing leads make sales. That’s why digital advertising is so relevant.
Benefits of Using Digital Advertising Agencies.
Digital advertising is not just about putting an ad up on Twitter, Pinterest or Yahoo. Digital advertising specialists such as ourselves use tools specialized software to research, manage, track, analyze and improve online advertising campaigns.
The benefits that come from digital advertising include:
Greater Reach, More Flexibility, Tighter Bonds with Customers.
For a reasonable amount of time, conventional marketing traditionally revolved around carefully crafted radio spots, television ads, telephone book listings and ads, newspaper ads, magazine ads, brochures, slick sheets, postcards and newsletters. Businesses today now have a variety of electronic options for reaching a vast amount of current and prospective customers through digital marketing tools such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, e-mailers, c
• Measure and Track Results
A facet of internet marketing that is rarely available with traditional marketing is the ability to measure and track results. To obtain conversions, visitors or customers must take specific actions as a result of your digital marketing. Unlike website behaviour, conversions fall more under sales and revenues. The ultimate goal is increasing profits, making sure your digital marketing converts is absolutely essential.
The ability to market your products and services globally is one of the most significant advantages of global marketing for business.
Within several months of belligerent SEO, you can generate a firm number of viewers and captivate huge audiences from across the world.
• Improved conversion rates
Digital marketing can be seamless and immediate. Having a website means your customers are only ever a few clicks away from completing a purchase.
• Boosting ROI and Sales
Nielsen studied more than 800 digital ad campaigns over seven years. After going over their results, they determined that every dollar spent got an average of almost threefold back.